Narromine-Dubbo Rifle Club
Become a member of the Narromine-Dubbo Rifle Club
Anybody can apply to join the Narromine-Dubbo Rifle Club. You don't have to live in or be from Narromine or Dubbo. Club Members are of all ages, from all walks of life, and of every ability from expert to beginner. You don't have to be particularly fit, nor strong, nor heavily-built - the rifle does the work. Shooting is one of the few individual and team sports where men and women compete together on equal terms.
Some of our members have been shooting with us for decades while others joined as teenagers a year ago. We have a wealth of experience available to shooters in need of assistance and advice - that includes all of us from time to time.
Once you are a member of the club and have passed the safety course, refer below, you may then apply for a firearms licence via the NSW Firearms Registry Link .
The Narromine-Dubbo Rifle Club is associated with NSWRA. Memberships are processed by NDRC through NSWRA (NSW Rifle Association). The membership form may be obtained from the NSWRA website, or click here to open the membership form.
Want to give shooting a try before becoming a member and getting a licence?
At the Narromine-Dubbo Rifle Club we encourage people to try the sport of target shooting so on most Saturdays and Sundays we can arrange for one on one attention for you to try your hand at shooting. Just get in contact with us a couple of days before via the contact page and we will arrange a time. You can hire the club rifle at the time.
If you are trying shooting out and don't yet have a licence, you'll need to fill in a P650 form. Here is what that is about:
From 1 October, 2008, a person may possess and use firearms on an approved range without the authority of a licence or permit (or other exemption) when they wish to try out the sport of shooting or when they are participating in an approved firearms safety training course, provided that they:
Remain under the direct supervision of a suitably licensed club/range official (or licence holder appointed by them) or firearms instructor, and
Have completed a declaration form P650 and responded 'No' to all questions in the personal history in Section B of the form.
The club has the forms at the range for you to fill in.
Firearms licence safety training
Newcomers to the sport in Australia have to complete and pass a firearms safety course as part of the process of obtaining a licence. Of course safety is every shooter's highest priority.
The club periodically run the NSW Police Safety Training course. To arranged please contact us via the contact us page.