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Update, May 2023

Writer's picture: AdminAdmin

G'day guys and welcome to May 2023, wow how fast is this year going.. I just want to share what has been going on at the NDRC Range the last few weeks.

1. Range works, as many of you have seen there is a HUGE amount of Earthworks being carried out FREE of charge by Transport NSW. I was approached by TNSW late last year to discuss roadworks being undertaken in front of the NDRC range. TNSW had a big logistical issue with some 200,000 tones of overburden (dirt for us dummies) to utilise. Of course yours truly and Martin Wynne swung into action and solved a $2million odd Dollar problem involved in disposing of above mentioned overburden. The result was what you guys have witnessed happening at the range the last few months. The Stop Butts are now 10.4 meters in hight, have a ramp both ends to allow acces for future repairs due to weather and bullet undermining etc. The front Mantle (Apron) has been rebuilt as well as well as extended and raised. The old pit has been completely filled in and now made safe to members and fall hazards removed. We now have a raised and wheelchair friendly 100m, 200m and refurbished 1000m shooting mound that is also wheelchair friendly. The dips (between mounds) have also started being filled in and old mounds graded flat. This is purely cosmetic and part of out efforts to return the Johnston's land back to / better than the way we found it. Work is just about complete and a few other projects will commence soon (removal of 2 old longdrop toilets) boxing of shooting mounds etc.

The Negatives are that we have been disrupted from regular shooting activities, but as i always say "short term pain, long term gain". Our range will be one of the premier 1000y ranges in NSW which is not bad for a small bunch of like minded country blokes. Our club membership has now grown to well over 100 members, a number that we only dreamed about just a few short years ago.

2. We were contacted by the Firearms Range Inspector (a month ago now) regarding a discrepancy in our range "fall out / safety zone" which has led to much confusion and huge headaches for the NDRC Board. The long and short of the matter is that the Range has been in the same place since before WW2 and used as a practice range for the RAAF airmen who were stationed at narromine for training prior to be sent into action in ww2. The land has always been owned by the Johnston's and there has NEVER been an issue or discrepancy until now.

To cut a long story short, there is now some sort of discrepancy over the fall out area of our range with the Narromine council believing we actually encroach on a small parcel of land between Tom and Graham Johnston's 2 properties. We have now employed Barnson's in Dubbo to Survey, Map, and GPS Survey the whole range template to ensure we have all our ducks in a row so to speak. This will be completed early this week coming. If there is any sort of issue we have also employed our club solicitors (Dan O'Keefe at Macquarie Law) to work out any legal issue that may arise. All going well we will have the range up and going again very shortly so there is absolutely no need to panic or worry. This whole Process will protect the clubs future and is a very important process that we need to follow so as to comply with safe and responsible range use.

3. To put an end to the Rumours that are circulating that the "club has been closed" this is 100% false. As outlined above (section 2) we have a discrepancy that is being worked on to be resolved. End of story. We have ALWAYS had a current range approval and followed the direction of the Firearms Registry and the Range Inspector.

I urge everyone to contact a NDRC board member if you have any concerns or worries regarding the rumours being spread by a former, disgruntled club member. These issues are being dealt with legally by the Board of NDRC, The NSWRA, The NSW Police, Narromine Council and the Local MP. We have had multiple meetings with all parties concerned and i can assure you all we have been transparent with all and any accusations levelled at the NDRC.

In summary, i know this was all a bit long winded, BUT i felt the need to stop all Rumours in their tracks now rather than let the rumours circulate any further.

Kind Regards

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